Thursday, March 29, 2012

Self-explanatory, I imagine.

L4: Divorcing is, if anything, too obvious. LW4's modus operandi is to forbid his wife to do things he finds distasteful, how extremely? Perhaps he might like to emulate another famous husband, well known for his accomplishments at court tennis and in the reformation of churches, who tried forbidding his wives to give him daughters, to the effect that today there are a great many fewer nuns in the world. But that is where the concept of husbands forbidding wives to do things belongs - half a millenium ago.

Then, too, W4 is almost equally a winner. Whatever one might think of her decorational capacities, she has manifested extremely poor taste in husbands. Why on earth did she not marry a Brony? That would have been just the sort of person with whom she could have lived happily ever after. But I suspect here that domestic harmony might not be most agreeabloe to W4. She certainly seems to be enjoying herself to a most thorough extent.

In the end, this is a very tough call. C4 are two people whom I definitely would not want to see united with people I liked. But equal misery is such a plus. In the end, I shall tentatively brief myself for putting the divorce on tentative hold, especially if it would come up to be heard by Mrs Justice Appleby. But I should reserve, if possible, the right to recall W4 and cross-examine her until I can safely recommend whatever course runs contrary to her true wishes.

L3: Apparently the Prudecutor has leapt to the conclusion that R3 was prosecutable. This is an entirely justifiable assumption, but a skilled cross-examiner would never have run such a risk. Letting opposing counsel wait until the final speech to the jury and then point out that there was not a scrap of evidence presented to suggest that R3 was not also a minor? Careless.

But this is one of the clearest cases in favour ofn divorce to come down the pike for a long time. LW3 is clearly settling. Her self-esteem bruised by her internal conflict over lack of prosecution (not to mention the support that was not provided by her family at the time of the (purported) rape, she has latched onto the first halfway-decent potential husband to treat herself and her elder child tolerably (Miss Austen alone gets a pass on that little twist). H3 has completely failed to shut down this line of questioning from HF3. He has also completely failed to help LW3 arrive at any better place concerning her past. It should not take a cross-examiner with the skill or motivation of even a Mizz Liz Probert to establish that H3 likes things this way. LW3's question is far too subtle for her if H3 has not arranged things just as he likes. Clear-cut case for divorce.

L1: Here we have another clear-cut case for divorce, not because C1 are bad for each other but because they make a terrible team. They have completely failed at their objective. That S1 is functional in the world only adds to the severity of their offence (rather like winning a case after one's learned leader has been sacked). And the question. How could even the Prudecutor have missed that the question is a complete mess? What on earth does LW1 mean by give up or give in? How is either such possibility different from letting S1 find his own way? This couple is a mess. And the Prudecutor's inverse snobbery is showing yet again - really, her editors ought to know better by now.

L2: Alas, LW2 is not married. Divorce is no option for her, when she would be such an excellent candidate for it, too! The key to L2 is the way in which LW2 attempts to be sneaky about clubbing the reader over the head with her accomplishments, which she has acquired in the manner of a Mary Bennet or a Lucy Steele, by trying to sneak them in to the letter where they will stand out without being set up in too obvious a way. The attempt was not a bad one. And of course she doesn't want other female applicants to be judged for their looks, not when she spent all that time acquiring accomplishments (and from the way she rattled them all off, she believes in women being pitted against each other in a way that would make Diane Chambers weep). My advice to LW2 would be to follow the plot line of the Miss Boston Barmaid pageant, only not to weaken for a cheap holiday.

Moral: "I loathe female contests with every fibre of my being."

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